Simple solution for improving deliverability
If you communicate to non-real email addresses, your emails will bounce back.
The more you bounce, the worse your reputation will be, so the worse "sender" you will be.
And if you have a low reputation, your mail won't be received by the people who have real email addresses either... You will simply be blocked!
Prevent this problem! Check your email addresses before you start communicating to them!
It's a common misconception that the most important element of effective email marketing is a well-edited newsletter and a large database full of email addresses.
It is undeniable that these are important factors, but to make your newsletter communication successful you need to dig much deeper than these.
To achieve long-term success, it is very important to take seriously the inescapable expectations placed on us by the Internet's back-end empire, the ISPs - Internet Service Providers. These are deliverability, bounce-back and the upfront management of spam, spam-traps.
AddressCheck's service can reduce bounce rates by 95%, helping you get your mail to your inbox.
It performs a syntactic check to see if the at(@) and period(.) are in the right place in the address. It also checks for any special characters in the address that are not correct.
This provides a complete check that the email addresses in your database are in the correct format.
After the syntactic check, AddressCheck initiates a simulated email sendout, during which the system checks the email addresses at 19 different points. To name just a few, such as checking the existence of the email domain, checking the availability of the Mail Server, checking for bounce risk or checking the prefix (the part before the at).
Package | Number of email address | Price per email address (Net) |
1 | 1 - 10000 | 3.5 EUR |
2 | 10001 - 25000 | 3 EUR |
3 | 25001 - 50000 | 2.4 EUR |
4 | 50001 - 100000 | 2.2 EUR |
5 | 100001 felett | 2 EUR |
You can register for free by clicking on the button below and you can check how AddressCheck itself works. When you login you will be able to upload your database, which can be cleaned by us.
AddressCheck - Wanadis Kft.
1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 153.